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Philadelphia City Fund Opens 2024 Community Grant Cycle

$250,000 Earmarked for Out-of-School Time Programs That Help Philly Kids Thrive

PHILADELPHIA, PA July 24, 2024 – The Philadelphia City Fund is pleased to announce the opening of its 2024 Community Fund grant cycle, which this year will focus on small nonprofit organizations that provide out-of-school time (OST) programs for Philadelphia youth. An annual grant opportunity, the Community Fund grants seek to support activities that address Philadelphia’s greatest areas of need, and align with the City’s goals to improve the quality of life for all Philadelphians. With this year’s theme, the City Fund welcomes applications from community organizations whose programs “nurture healthy minds, bodies, and spirits through out-of-school time programming.” Ten $25,000 unrestricted grants will be awarded as part of the 2024 cycle.

The Community Fund grant opportunity is made possible through the Philadelphia City Fund’s partnership with the Philadelphia Marathon Weekend, which allocates a portion of its annual revenues to the Community Fund, allowing participants not only to strive for their personal best and support a charitable cause of their choice, but also to fund community programs that benefit fellow citizens throughout the city.

“Every year the Community Fund grant takes the impact of the Philadelphia Marathon Weekend a step further by investing a portion of our revenues into the local community,” explains David G. Wilson, Deputy Managing Director, City of Philadelphia. “This year we are pleased to announce that the theme of the Community Fund grant cycle aligns with the virtues of the Marathon, and particularly our Nemours Children’s Run, to nurture healthy minds, bodies, and spirits while developing a love of running and physical activity that young people can carry with them through their entire lives.”

For the 2024 Community Fund grant cycle, the Fund and its partners at the Philadelphia Marathon Weekend seek to support programming that takes a holistic approach to youth wellness and inspires lifelong healthy activity. Eligible applicants should be charitable nonprofit organizations that provide OST programming that promotes the healthy physical, social, educational, and/or emotional development of youth, ages pre-K thru 12th grade, in Philadelphia.

In order to increase equitable access to OST programming across the city, preference will be given to requests from organizations that provide programming in the following Priority ZIP Codes: 19120, 19124, 19132, 19134, 19138, 19139, 19141, and 19144.

Priority ZIP Codes were identified through an analysis conducted by the City of Philadelphia’s Office of Children and Families, Performance Management and Technology Team. This analysis used metrics related to quality of life (i.e. poverty rates, number of shootings, and percentage of youth involved with the City’s Department of Human Services (DHS)), the distribution of OST slots across the city, and the utilization of slots funded by DHS.

The grant application period opens July 24th and runs through August 26th. Unlike previous years, there will be only one round of application for the unrestricted grants, which may be used for general operations, programmatic activities, or other costs that support the organization’s mission within a year of receiving grant funds. Successful applicants will be notified in mid-December, and funds will be disbursed in early 2025.

“We hope that the theme of our Community Fund opportunity this year encourages a wide range of community organizations to apply,” comments Philadelphia City Fund Executive Director Jody Greenblatt. “Youth well-being is a broad category that can encompass everything from sports programs that foster physical health, to arts activities that can help youth express themselves and find new outlets to manage stress, to cultural experiences that boost confidence and opportunity by providing new knowledge and perspectives on the world around us. Philadelphia is rich in opportunities like these, and we are proud of the partnership with the Philadelphia Marathon Weekend that enables us to support them, and help our youngest citizens thrive.”

To apply for a 2024 Community Fund grant, please visit https://philacityfund.org/grantmaking/community-fund/. Any additional questions may be directed to [email protected].

The Philadelphia City Fund (“the City Fund” or the “Fund”) is an independent charitable organization which serves as the dedicated fiscal sponsor for the City of Philadelphia and leverages public-private partnerships in collaboration with the City, the philanthropic community, and the residents of Philadelphia.

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